Let Us Help You with Your New Year’s Resolution With Vanquish ME™


If you are aspiring to lose weight this upcoming year, you are not alone. Polls show that weight loss is the most common New Year’s resolution. However, only a few people succeed in losing weight. Let us help you with our revolutionary quick weight loss treatment. With the Vanquish ME™, you can enjoy the flatter stomach and slimmer body you’ve been dreaming of without a liposuction or a tummy tuck!

What Is Vanquish ME™?

Vanquish ME™ is an FDA approved, non-invasive fat removal system that works to reduce stubborn, exercise-resistant fat cells on the abdomen, waist, back, and legs, hips, stomach, belly, love handles, and thighs. Vanquish ME™’s patented radiofrequency technology promotes the death and shrinkage of fat cells without damaging any surrounding tissue. Once your fat cells are dead, your body flushes them through your lymphatic system.

What Are The Benefits?

Vanquish ME™ shrinks fat with no pain or bruising, minimal risk of side effects, and no downtime. Treatments are completed quickly, usually in an hour or less. Vanquish ME™  is the world’s most advanced body contouring device and comes with the largest spot size to cover the entire abdominal area.

Vanquish ME™ diminishes the appearance of cellulite by reducing the fat layer beneath the skin. As an added benefit, the heat created by the Vanquish process encourages natural collagen production with skin tightening effects. Vanquish ME™ kills about 60% of the fat cells within the treated area, meaning the results are permanent. Clinical trials have shown Vanquish ME™  to be safe to use on both men and women of all skin types and colors.

What Are the Expected Results?

Results may vary from patient to patient. You will likely see some results after the first or second treatment, but it is common to see gradual, continued improvement over the six months following the procedure. Most people will need to complete a series of 4-6 treatments administered seven to ten days apart to see the best results. Exercising, maintaining a healthy diet, and drinking plenty of water will help ensure lasting outcomes.

Contact Us Today

Schedule your appointment with Dr. Bambhania today to learn more about Vanquish ME™, and how he can help you with your New Year’s resolution. Enjoy the body you’ve always desired!

*Individual Results May Vary